Last Saturday was Chris's Birthday!! As usual I am a little late on getting a blog up of his birthday, but better late than never! Chris's birthday celebration started early on Wednesday. I had told chris that we were going to celebrate at our house with a bunch of our friends...when in reality, I had planned to surprise him at my brothers house. He knew there would be a celebration, he just didn't know when or where! Everything went according to plan...I had to go visiting teaching that night with a girl who lived close to my brothers house. On our way home, I called to see if he could pick me up there instead of her driving me home. He was a little concerned, b/c people were supposed to be arriving at our house soon, but he believed my BS and drove over to get me. He was really surprised. At this party we ate yellow cake with chocolate icing and an oreo creme pie! Both are on Chris's short list of cakes that he likes! After some presents, we played some games. This was on Wednesday..Oh I forgot to mention that while I was visiting teaching, Chris was watching WIPEOUT with the husband of my visiting teaching partner! (don't worry kyle... I was able to catch up and watch the wipout epsiode the next day). That weekend we went to Houston. Saturday was Chris's day! We woke up early to go and play disc golf. Normally I would not consent to waking up at 8:30 on a Saturday...but after about 10 it is too dang hot to go and play! On the way to disc golf, we stopped at an amazing donut shop where we had donuts and crescent roll kolaches! YUM they were the best I ever had. Only Chris, John, Liz and I were able to go and play, but we had a blast! (the only pics I have of Chr's birthday golf experience are those from Liz's camera, but I was only e-mailed ones of me and chris, so that is why there aren't any Of Liz and John. I did however pull some pics of Chris playing earlier golf games!)

This is at our first hole of the day! ...on a side note, you prob can't tell, but that is a Buckee's shirt I am wearing! Everytime we go to Houston, we pass Buckee's Billboards we always say we will stop and get a shirt, but never have. For those who don't know, Buckee's is just a gas station, but the shirts are pretty cool! So this time, when we passed to billboards, I said we should stop and we DID. Now chris and I both have Buckee's t-shirts.

Isn't he amazing??
After about the 10th I was getting pretty hot, so I decided to spice things up and theme some holes. The first hole was themed Maria Sharapova. See if you can pick out why?
Well we thought that one was pretty cool so then Chris came up with the second theme hole: Olympic Shot Putters...
We had a really good time playing disc golf. Liz had an alergic reaction, so we weren't able to finish the game, but that didn't really matter because we were all really hot and ready to get in a pool! That is exactly what we did as soon as we got home. After we had swam, everyone else was home, so we all went out to lunch at Brother's Pizza! Thanks Chris for picking such a scrumtrelescent place to eat! After Brothers, it time for the pool again! Chris's birthday day ended with his favorite meal and more presents. Can anyone guess what Chris wanted for his meal???
...if you guessed Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, rolls, and white gravy, then you know Chris as well or better than I do.
We topped it all off with German Chocolate Cake! Mmmmmmmmmm!
Happy Birthday Chris! I am so glad I was able to celebrate with you. You are a fantastic husband! I love you so much. I am so proud of you for all that you have accomplished and your drive to be successful in life. I know you will do well at anything you set your mind to! I am glad that you hold the priesthood. It is a blessing to have you with me for eternity!! I Love You.